Source amnesia

title: “Specific Detail”

layout: note

date: 28-08-2022

last_modified_at: 2023-12-08 12:09

rose, it is enhanced by the use of specific detail. So instead of a ‘water in a glass’ you can say ‘the pint glass was half full of brackish water’ and it makes a much more vivid image in the reader’s mind. It helps enhance the [[Concrete or abstract concrete]] of the image. It also helps you [[Show Dont Tell]].

However, it is possible to get too lost in the detail. It’s a balance, as you can end up describing too much. You have to select which details are relevant. It’s better to select a handful of vivid, relevant details than to waffle too much. A good way of focusing on this is to focus on [[The Five Senses]].

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